
Collocation is the way in which particular words tend to occur or belong together.

   “Meals with be served outside on the terrace, wheater permitting”.
But not “Meals with be served outside on the terrace, wheater allowing

Both these sentences seem to mean the same thing : allow and permit have very similuiar meanings. But in this combination only permitting in correct. It collocates with wheater and allowing does not .

In order to write and speak natural and correct English, you need to know, for example:
Ø  Which adjectives are used with a particular noun
Ø  Which nouns a particular adjective is used with
Ø  Which verbs are used with a particular noun
Ø  Which adverbs are use to intensity a particular adjective

Collacation in this dictionary
To find out which adjective to use with a particular noun .
Look at the example at the entry for the noun. Typical adjective used with the noun are separated by a slash (/).

Source: Oxford Dictionary

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